Always moving in the direction of better.
Tiny changes, Huge impact!
Harness the power of choice.
Allowing your pet to be your guide can lead to happiness and harmony in your home.
It's a dance. Sometimes you lead. Sometimes you follow.
Joyful games harness the power of choice to create harmony.
Everyone enjoys having choices. Given the choice between eating from a bowl or a puzzle box with food inside, a squirrel will choose the puzzle. Our pets are no different. They enjoy a challenging puzzle too. Artfully harnessing the power of choice creates harmonious change.
Targeted effort and seeing the dog's point of view saves time.
Sometimes our pets do not read the book. Each is a unique individual just as we are. Sometimes the most common solution is not the best fit. With a little thought, creativity, and understanding of the situation from the pet's perspective, miraculous yet simple solutions can be found.
Your partner in finding the next best step toward better.
You are in the driver's seat. As your pet's best friend and caregiver, you know best. Tammy would be honored to be your partner in sorting through the confusion of sometimes overwhelming options and helping you choose your next best step toward better.
Focused guidance
@ your own pace
Our Partnership Package starts at $125/month
- Connect using email and Zoom for individual guidance
- Purchase in increments of 30-minutes of Zoom time
- Includes Zoom support and follow-up email support
- Zoom time minutes may be split into shorter sessions
- Ends 30 days after purchase date
- Renew as desired each month
- Purchase, Meet, Achieve, Repeat.
If you only knew how much I smell you.
Central Daylight Time, USA
Ruff-ly: 10 am - 2 pm
Wiggle room is possible.
Tammy believes in creating cooperative care and a joyful life.
Purchase a Partnership Package for Single Month
Partnership Package
30-minutes with Tammy on Zoom Workplace,
follow-up support by email with personalized suggestions for videos, articles, and aids
Quantity: sold in increments of 30-minutes/month
Example: to purchase 60 minutes, enter 2 in the quantity box
Minutes may be split as desired over the month
Minutes expire 1 month from date of purchaseQuantityComing soonWe Believe
Tammy is a life-long admirer of dogs with
limitless curiosity and wonder.
Tammy believes in creating cooperative care to support harmony and a joyful life for all species in the household.
With decades of experience as both a pet owner and a professional dog trainer, Tammy understands the unique bond between pets and their families.
Tammy strives for thoughtful interactions with a watchful eye, an attentive ear, a kind voice, and a gentle touch.
Tammy is proud to be a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner since 2012.
Will work for smiles & joyfully wagging tails
Happy dog, Happy life.
Belief in Action
Our pets are with us to love us and to be loved by us. Let's make it a happy experience for all, young and old.
Create a Safe Space.
The first step is a good set-up of the living area to hold a space for feeling safe. Everyone must feel safe to learn anything other than more fear. Your pet is Spiderman and has exceptional spidy-senses. Additionally, your pet is a keen observer of patterns and always learning! So setting up to practice what is wanted (rather than what is not wanted) is worth the effort.
Teach what is wanted joyfully.
The second step is tuning-in to the present moment. Does your pet move away or come in closer? Does your pet look excited or worried? To teach fearlessly, awareness of emotional state is necessary. Both the teacher and the student relaxed and enjoying the process is a critical foundation for success. Paying both yourself and your pet handsomely will create fun in the process for all.
Practice the art of asking.
The third step is practicing the kind art of asking. Teach your pet and then remember to ask for what is wanted. Your pet will seem to forget when excited or stressed. Humans do the same. No worries, it is still in there. Often taking a breath and trying again is all that is needed. Otherwise, take a step back and look around. Is there a change? If so, that is another clue for you.